Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Deliverance Is Not Enough

Father, deliver us; heal us; restore us - in Jesus' name - Amen.

The Israelites were delivered out of Egypt into the wilderness. The wilderness intention was not for the people to dwell at length, but as a trip to the hospital. One doesn't usually take up residence in a hospital. When completing a registration or application, a hospital will not be given as a permanent address. The wilderness was never intended to be our permanent place.

When God delivers His children from their Egypt into the wilderness, it is to do a quick and thorough work of healing, freeing and cleansing them from the residue of bondage. This involves the mind, heart and soul. The Bible declares we are to be transformed (changed) by the renewing of our minds.

From the wilderness, God wants to restore us to the original place He purposed for us and for our relationship with Him. This is what He did for the Israelites when He brought them out of the wilderness and into Canaan.

God wants to bring us into our own Canaan - He wants us delivered, healed and restored! What is keeping you from it? What voice will you listen to, the spies, who spoke in fear, or will you heed to the bold and courageous words of Joshua and Caleb? While the fearful spies saw giants and impossibility; Joshua and Caleb saw, through healed lens, the promise of restoration and possibility.

Perhaps you've been delivered from, but God wants to do a complete work and deliver you to - a place of healing and restoration. Invite Him in and let Him have His way!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Desperate for Your Touch

Recently a friend asked me to pray for a specific body of women. She asked that I pray they begin loving each other again. As I prayed, I received revelation that there’s an order to love. The biblical order (and greatest commandment), as Jesus stated in Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV):
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

It is clear to me that this type of love is unnatural to our fleshly being. How can you love with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind that which you cannot see? In a sense, we are blinded from birth, to what we desperately need for survival and cohabitation. As most individuals who are blind – without sight, we become reliant on our non-visual senses, and most dominantly, the tactile skill of touch.

God, in His is infinite wisdom and grace, would give us all non-visual senses (hearing, taste, smell and touch), because He knows we are often blinded to that which we do see. As referenced by Romans 1:19-20, all of Creation visually points to the invisible qualities and eternal and divine nature of God, yet some still deny His existence.

We often rely on our other senses as a conduit to our seeing, knowing and loving God: “Oh taste and see the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psalm 34:8); and (Romans 10:17) “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God”.

The Bible makes clear our other God-given senses at work. Jesus’ ministry often dealt in the sensory of touch - His touching others and others touching Him. “So God had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him” (Matthew 20:34); “And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind Him and touched the hem of His garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole” (Matthew 9:20-21).

As human beings, we need to touch and be touched. From the very beginning of Creation, in the Garden of Eden, God was present, as He desires our fellowship with Him. Our very praise and worship touches the heart of God. God pulled the rib from man, creating woman, because it is not right that man should be alone. (God instituted marriage for men and women to touch intimately. God allows singleness for men and women to rely on the intimate touch of God, Himself.) God created us to touch and be touched! Studies reveal that many serial criminals who have executed unnatural and heinous crimes, have lacked the foundational loving touch from a parent, and/or have been, from a very young age (even prenatally), touched improperly.

God knows that we cannot love Him in the manner which He commands, unless He first touches our heart, soul and mind. It is only by Him that we love Him and through Him, therefore, loving ourselves and others. For when we love Him as He commands, it is a spiritual love that transcends our natural sight and feelings. We begin to see ourselves and others as God Himself sees us – as His! Uniquely and wonderfully made; Created in the very image of God (perfect and perfected in Him); Confident and competent; Strong, courageous and fearless; Healed and whole – nothing lacking. When I see myself fully through God’s Love Lens, I am steadfast and unmovable. It removes my need to compare myself to any other, I can rejoice with others, without reservation and judgment; I can freely and openly encourage and edify; I can love and be loved; I can give, and most importantly, I can receive!

Ha! Now that’s joy through freedom! No one takes it away from me; I give it, for if I give it, I can surely receive it! (That’s another blog entry)…

Prayer: Father, you are far in Heaven, but as near as my heart. Though I cannot see you visibly, I acknowledge and love you by that which I do see. Today, I diligently move through the multitude of “stuff”, the distractions trying to keep me from getting to your touch, with my issues; for the multitude has become as equal a hindrance as the issues themselves. I’m desperate for your touch – touch me Lord Jesus. Touch my heart, my soul and my mind. Saturate me with your Holy Spirit and perfect love, the only true love which covers the multitude of sins – those I have committed and those committed against me (knowingly and unknowingly). With your love, help me to forgive myself and others. Help me to open my hands and heart to give, for by doing, so, I make room to receive. And this is why you have said the giving is more blessed than the receiving (sigh of relief).
I love you Lord, because you first loved and TOUCHED me. In Jesus’ name – Amen

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Strength Gift Wrapped Up In Joy

"For the joy of the Lord your strength" - Nehemiah 8:10(b)

Have you ever received a great gift that had much value, gift wrapped in a seemingly small package? That's how I'm envisioning strength today; that strength is mine, but to receive it, I have to unwrap God's gift of joy.

God's joy is my source of pleasure; it is of great and exceptional value; it is actually, HIM - my source: (Joy=Jesus and Jesus=Joy). Not only does having the knowledge of this, strengthen alone, but the fact that He is my source - breathing and living on the inside of me, I am strengthened by His Spirit. This is true, even when my flesh is weak, weary, tired, discouraged and seemingly defeated.

Because He lives on the inside of me, my human strength is of no effect;
Because He lives on the inside of me, I can keep going; I can face, not only today, but also, my tomorrows;
Because He lives on the inside of me, I am empowered with and overpowered by Him.

I believe this is what the Apostle Paul meant and believed when He wrote to the church at Colosse, "Christ in you, the hope of glory" and also to the church at Philippi, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Hallelujah!!!

Maybe you lack strength today; maybe the burdens seems heavier than what you can bear; maybe the voices of the naysayer and even those in your head, seem to be winning, but I stopped by this morning, by way of God's Holy Spirit, to remind and encourage you, me and us... that the joy of the Lord [and which IS the Lord], is our strength. Unwrap your gift - that is available to you this day (you don't even have to wait for a special event or holiday).

I remember the package my engagement ring was presented in. I received it Christmas morning and it was so small, it seems as though nothing was under the tree for me, but on the contrary, my gift was monetarily and sentimentally valued exceedingly above every other gift under the tree. And unlike the other gifts, it only continues to appreciate in value, as I know and understand what I have been given - not because of it's material value, but because of who I received with it [who is attached to it].

Joy is so much more than a pure emotion, it is; and is of exceeding value, because of who gives it [who we received with it; who it is attached to].

The Joy [the Jesus; the Strength] I have, the world didn't give it to me and the world cannot take it away - We Win - Now, That's Victory!!

Prayer: Father, in the powerful and overpowering name of Jesus, breathe upon us today with new, fresh breath. Let us be renewed, revived and strengthened by You - Joy today! Protect our joy - stay back the hand of the enemy, for we know that he is a defeated liar and a clumsy thief, seeking to rob us of our joy and our faith, with his ultimate desire to lure us away from you. Not even because he wants us, but because he wants you to have nothing. This is a battle between You and him, that started long before us, but here we are caught in the crossfire, because of our love for You.
God, we thank you, that we already know how the battle ends, with You as triumphant and governing ruler over all that you have created and your opponent - the adversary ultimately defeated, in his eternal place - which is the lake of fire.
This, alone strengthens us, as it seems that we have been given an unfair advantage of knowing exactly how it's going to end. In fact, it almost seems silly for us to fight, but I'm sure this is what you mean when you tell us, to be still and that you will fight for us. Hallelujah - we rest in your truth, your victory and your joy, in Jesus' name - Amen.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Scales Removed; Here Am I, Lord. Send Me!

Isaiah 6:1 (NLT)
It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of His robe filled the Temple.
Isaiah 6:8 (NLT)
Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to the people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here am I. Send me."

The Lord is calling for messengers; He is calling for salt and light; He is calling for a remnant - those few, those chosen, who will declare and proclaim - without compromise and not bound by fear, "Here am I. Send me."

The Spirit of the Lord says that something must die. Many times, we won't see clearly until people, attitudes, beliefs, values, actions, inaction and our flesh is dead (figuratively and literally).

As great as King Uzziah was, he was in Isaiah's way of seeing clearly. That may not have been his intention, but Isaiah allowed him to be in his way, by way of his dependency on him. I find myself saying, more and more these days, that God is calling for our dependency to be on Him - alone!

I use the analogy that if my daughter and I are crossing the street and her hand is in mine, she is less likely to secure her own way, by looking both ways before crossing. She will depend on me to lead and guide her and keep her safe. God is speaking that it is time out for our dependency upon man and even ourselves. He is killing off and breaking us from relationships of dependency, (which become bondage and oppressive). He knows that when we see Him clearly and fully through eyes with no scales - High and Lifted up, we will want nothing more than to serve Him and be His messenger. In fact, anything less, will not satisfy. He will call and we will answer, "Here am I, Lord. Send me."

Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, Thank you for revelation, thank you for eyes which you have touched and removed scales. Forgive us, forgive me for idol worship, for settling in the midst of your desire to prosper me. You said in your Word, "You came that we might have life - and that more abundantly." Move me out of the way, that you may pour out your Spirit of abundance upon me and your remnant. Thank you for patiently waiting for me, loving me and never forsaking me. Thank you for liberty and liberation; thank you for the truth of your Word. It is surely a light unto my feet and it illuminates my path and your Word has made me free. Who the Son sets free is free, indeed [truly and completely], in Jesus' name. Now, as I surrender unto you, lead me, guide me, order my steps and direct your ways in me. I sell out for your use, for your love and for your glory - forever - Amen!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This entry comes from a reminder I received today of what the Lord spoke to me in September 2008 and I have to say, as I re-read it, I am once again in awe of God and how He moves; putting everything in place in His own perfect timing and as He sees fit. With 27 days into 2010, the Lord is making me a firm believer that I shall see what I have said and what I say... Lord, help me to mind my words, that they align with your word, plans and thoughts for my life and the lives of others, in Jesus' name - Amen... Enjoy!

(Danielle, there's your 2010, it was all wrapped up in 2008... Call those things that are not, as if they were - because they are. Thanks for helping me stay focused...)

Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light'. (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT)

Today, God is speaking to those who are tempted to grow weary; you're tempted to be weary of what's being done, what's not being done, what's being said, what's not being said, what has happened; what has not happened; what is seen and what is not seen. Basically, there is no rest and no comfort. You've grown out of a current situation; yet have not received or come into your new situation. (What this looks like is, a child's pair of pants that have become too short, but instead of being replaced with a new pair, the hem is continued to be let out. This can cause the child to feel discomfort, because not only are they too short, but also too tight. The child may also feel embarrassed by the way he looks to others, in the pants that are obviously too small.

This is what is taking place in the Body of Christ; many have taken on a new look; new speech; new attitude; new desires; new (deeper) love for God; and new understanding for who God is and what He desires for our lives and the lives of His people. We're feeling the shift of 'New Beginnings', and while this is an exciting shift, many have forgotten or just failed to realize that in order to receive and/or come into anything new, something old has to move [die] (a metamorphosis must take place). While we celebrate the life of a new born baby, oftentimes, we dismiss the fact that the metamorphosis that is taking place is because this baby had become cramped and hard pressed on every side, forcing him to move from [die to] the only life ever known, in the womb; and yet, this is still glorious... What an awesome exchange of death to life!

And what an awesome exchange Jesus offers to us, especially during this season of transition. The Scripture tells us to learn of Him - come unto Him and take knowledge of who He is and what He did (why His yoke is easy and His burden light). And so, I'm reminded of His transition from heaven to earth and back to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God, the Father. On earth, He endured 33 years of an uncomfortable situation (not fitting in where He was, yet not fully ready to come into His new place/position/situation/dwelling). What did He do? He prayed; He fasted; He healed; He taught; He listened; He visited the shut in; He did the most unto the least; He loved; He forgave; He spent time praising and glorifying His Father; and instead of murmuring and complaining, He cast His cares upon His Father—confident of His great concern for Him; He lived; He died; and He LIVES with resurrecting power.

How are we going through this transition? Have we completed the metamorphosis, which is to die of ourselves (our flesh) and surrender to living a life of power and rest [in Him]? We are created in the image of God, so heaviness, weariness and burden do not fit us. As with anything that does not fit, we eventually need to get rid of it, and exchange it for something new.

Prayer: Lord, there are some thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, people and positions that no longer fit into my life. I give them to you, for your Word tells me to cast my cares upon you, because you care for me; and you also said you would give to me the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness. Forgive me for trying to carry that which is too heavy for me - I give it ALL to you and today, I take upon me your yoke, for it is easy and light. Exchange! In Jesus' Name - Amen.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Perceiving A New Thing...

Happy New Year!
Isaiah 43:16; 18-19 (NLT) - "I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. But forget all that - it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."

There is so much to this that God is saying. I can hardly contain it - especially that I am seeing it. Originally, I was given this Scripture when asked to speak at a New Years Eve service. Once God began to open up revelation to me, which I knew to mean a transforming revolution, I knew the time limit I had been given to speak was much too short to expand on this, so I said nothing at all.

However, my quietness has not negated God's movement of doing His new thing. The emphasis was then, and still is, on the "perceiving" - understanding that it is God. We will experience some very new things in this season. Not that it is new to God, but it will be new to us. Because everything will not look and/or feel how we think it should, it will be natural to blame the devil or some opposing force.

Manna didn't look like meat for the Israelites coming out of Egypt, yet it was given by God to sustain the people and prepare them for what lied ahead.

The Lord says, "See Him, Know Him, Understand What He is Doing and Who He Is". He is the Great I Am and is our Sustainer!

The new thing is to bring about new change. He is breaking off the former thing(s) that were once for our good, but have become our opressor(s). Just like the Law once kept the people, but then became an opressor of the people, because the people could not keep the Law. The Law condemned, but the Spirit of the Lord SAVES!

God loves us so much and wants us delivered out of the hand of oppression - Come out - Perceive, He is God - doing a new thing, pouring out His Spirit - that ALL will know He is Lord!

Make room for the NEW THING - Move out of His way!