Monday, December 21, 2009

Chasing After You... I Need You More & More...

Mark 5:28 & 34 (KJV)
(28) For she said, If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole.
(34) And He said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

I can hardly contain the excitement that I have for God's Word and for it's application for our lives. I pray and believe in the name of Jesus that we are all walking in the manifestation of His healing and wholeness. For Isaiah says that by His stripes, we are healed... Hallelujah!

In understanding our opening text, we see a woman sick; the Bible says she had an issue of blood for twelve years. Many can identify with her, having "issues". The twelve years represent the extensiveness of the years that we've carried our past hurts and many issues of rejection, lack, loss, oppression, depression, injustice, anger, unforgiveness, sickness and brokenness, just to name a few. None of which is right, but nonetheless, some of it has been a part of our past and possibly our present state.

Today, I'm looking at the example of the great faith of this woman in the text. Note - we don't even know her name, but she is forever identified by her faith. Don't you want to be identified by your faith; by your wholeness? We see in her, a made up mind to seek and pursue wholeness.

When we are sick with our "issues", we operate in fractions/pieces; we are not whole. We have to make a choice, just as she did to, to seek and pursue wholeness. To seek is to look for. It's not enough to know that the promise of healing through Jesus Christ is there, we have to seek after it; and then we have to pursue Him. To pursue is to go after, to follow, to chase. At some point in our walk, we ought to affectionately be called, "Jesus stalkers/chasers". We have to seek and pursue our healing, with diligence and expectation and anticipation, from the One who can make us whole. I'm reminded of the lyrics of one song, "I'm chasing after you, no matter what I go through - I need you more and more..."

We have to believe that God wants us whole and that He has all power to restore us to that place. He is willing and able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. His question to us, however, "Is do we want to be made whole?" When we answer, "yes", it puts us in position to be restored; it allows God to respond, as He responded to the woman of great faith, "Daughters [sons], go thy way, for your faith has made you whole."

My sincere prayer is that the people of God would be diligent in seeking God (touching the hem of the Master's garment, which is at His feet); and in our pursuit of wholeness and that we will put to death ALL of the "issues" that are making us spiritually, physically and emotionally sick. Death is swallowed up in victory, in Jesus' name - Amen!

Thanks be to God Who Gives Us the Victory!

How does one called to employ speech find herself speechless? In awe of the Lord's presence and Divine plans, purpose and providence - I am rendered speechless!

Is not this the fatherless, poor, uneducated, short, nappy haired, ugly, insignificant black girl - they called "smokey"?!?!

Sound familiar - "Is not this the carpenter..." (Mark 6:3)

My "Color Purple" Resolve: I may be black, I may be poor, I may be a woman... I may even be ugly, but I'm still here!

For promotion, look not to the north, south, east nor west, but only to God!

I rest now, knowing that He who has called me, is FAITHFUL!!!

Amen -

Sunday, November 29, 2009

In This World, But Not Of This World...

God's revelation is truly liberating - like approaching the mirror and approving of the reflection staring back.

My recent revelation deals with being reborn as a Kingdom citizen - understanding the Scripture that states that we are in this world, but not of this world. The Blood-washed believer has dual citizenship. We have both dwelling (where we live) and in-dwelling (who lives in us); and our in-dwelling causes us to triumph in the places where we dwell. Our in-dwelling, which is God's Holy Spirit in us, makes us leaders and victors; He gives us entitlement, though we may not have titles that are viewed as worthy in the world's eyes.

This in-dwelling gives the title of servant and friend from the one who promises nothing short of life to those who, by grace, wear His title.

Months ago, I heard the Lord say to me, "Stop shrinking from greatness". What I come to realize He is saying is to quit trying to accommodate others, by becoming small for their sake. Quit trying to live within earthly titles and the limitations of people; quit quenching the Holy Spirit. God's Holy Spirit is great, making us great and when we try to live beneath that greatness, it is to quench His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is Light and light's function is to illuminate. Because light overtakes darkness, darkness cannot exist in light. What I have found myself guilty of is trying to dim the Light in me, so that others would not feel intimidated or that I would fit into their expectation of me, based on how they see me, what they have labeled me, and/or what they perceive as my professional and social capital. Based on their assessment of my assets, they have determined my worth/value to them.

Truly, I feel like the Israelites coming out of the wilderness after 40 years (how significant my age). I KNOW that my value does not rest with man, but with God alone! I am walking in the healing deliverance that God's opinion of me, makes everyone else's irrelevant.

So, how does this tie to the increased revelation of dual citizenship? I'm looking at the example of Jesus, who came to the earth, fully God and fully human. He was Light and had ALL power, yet people constantly reduced Him based on His age, His family background and relationships, His earthly trade and people's perceptions of His abilities. He had the power to save and give life, yet the people didn't see the need for what He provided; they only had expectation of the abilities and governance of an earthly king, not realizing He was King of kings - coming to establish His Kingdom. He lived in a system that was far beneath who He was - The Bible says that He condescended to the low estate of man. So, what did He do while living in a system as an outsider? He did exactly what He was sent to do - He shone as Light in darkness. He was not concerned that His very presence challenged those in darkness. He did not shrink from who He was called to be. He knew who He was and was not ashamed. He didn't wait for others to validate and affirm Him, but instead He was confident - understanding that His confidence was not contingent upon His comfort. He didn't come seeking comfort and the approval of men, but He came to seek and save that which was lost.

In the world, the Blood-washed believer may not ever be comfortable but we can't focus on this dwelling place, but on the one who in-dwells us. Christ in us, the hope of glory!

My prayer is that God's Holy Spirit would continue to comfort us as we live in this system which by, rebirth and the anointing of God has caused us to outgrow; that we would receive our growth and not be tempted to shrink and become small; that we would shine as light - overtaking darkness, in Jesus' name.