Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Strength Gift Wrapped Up In Joy

"For the joy of the Lord your strength" - Nehemiah 8:10(b)

Have you ever received a great gift that had much value, gift wrapped in a seemingly small package? That's how I'm envisioning strength today; that strength is mine, but to receive it, I have to unwrap God's gift of joy.

God's joy is my source of pleasure; it is of great and exceptional value; it is actually, HIM - my source: (Joy=Jesus and Jesus=Joy). Not only does having the knowledge of this, strengthen alone, but the fact that He is my source - breathing and living on the inside of me, I am strengthened by His Spirit. This is true, even when my flesh is weak, weary, tired, discouraged and seemingly defeated.

Because He lives on the inside of me, my human strength is of no effect;
Because He lives on the inside of me, I can keep going; I can face, not only today, but also, my tomorrows;
Because He lives on the inside of me, I am empowered with and overpowered by Him.

I believe this is what the Apostle Paul meant and believed when He wrote to the church at Colosse, "Christ in you, the hope of glory" and also to the church at Philippi, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Hallelujah!!!

Maybe you lack strength today; maybe the burdens seems heavier than what you can bear; maybe the voices of the naysayer and even those in your head, seem to be winning, but I stopped by this morning, by way of God's Holy Spirit, to remind and encourage you, me and us... that the joy of the Lord [and which IS the Lord], is our strength. Unwrap your gift - that is available to you this day (you don't even have to wait for a special event or holiday).

I remember the package my engagement ring was presented in. I received it Christmas morning and it was so small, it seems as though nothing was under the tree for me, but on the contrary, my gift was monetarily and sentimentally valued exceedingly above every other gift under the tree. And unlike the other gifts, it only continues to appreciate in value, as I know and understand what I have been given - not because of it's material value, but because of who I received with it [who is attached to it].

Joy is so much more than a pure emotion, it is; and is of exceeding value, because of who gives it [who we received with it; who it is attached to].

The Joy [the Jesus; the Strength] I have, the world didn't give it to me and the world cannot take it away - We Win - Now, That's Victory!!

Prayer: Father, in the powerful and overpowering name of Jesus, breathe upon us today with new, fresh breath. Let us be renewed, revived and strengthened by You - Joy today! Protect our joy - stay back the hand of the enemy, for we know that he is a defeated liar and a clumsy thief, seeking to rob us of our joy and our faith, with his ultimate desire to lure us away from you. Not even because he wants us, but because he wants you to have nothing. This is a battle between You and him, that started long before us, but here we are caught in the crossfire, because of our love for You.
God, we thank you, that we already know how the battle ends, with You as triumphant and governing ruler over all that you have created and your opponent - the adversary ultimately defeated, in his eternal place - which is the lake of fire.
This, alone strengthens us, as it seems that we have been given an unfair advantage of knowing exactly how it's going to end. In fact, it almost seems silly for us to fight, but I'm sure this is what you mean when you tell us, to be still and that you will fight for us. Hallelujah - we rest in your truth, your victory and your joy, in Jesus' name - Amen.

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